On May 7, 2020, WebTPA provided information regarding the extension of certain health plan timeframes due to the COVID-19 pandemic (EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2021-01). The extensions were removed from the calculations of time periods listed below for the duration of the “Outbreak Period,” which was defined as March 1, 2020, until 60 days after the pandemic-related National Emergency Ends.
On Friday February 26, 2021, the US Department of Labor issued updated guidance on the EBSA relief, stating that the relief is limited to only one year per statutory language. So, in effect, the Outbreak Period for purposes of this notice has now ended as of February 28, 2021. Under section 518 of ERISA and section 7508a of the Code, the “disregarded period for individual actions ‘required or permitted’ is expressly limited by statute to a period of 1 year from the date the individual action would otherwise have been required or permitted.”
We are reviewing the guidance issued last week, but wanted to share the update as soon as possible as this will impact various processes that WebTPA handles on behalf of our clients from claims appeals to COBRA elections. We will provide more detailed updates on the processes themselves and updates taking place as a result of this notice shortly.